To publish a new website is, to me, to move into a new home. You move the big things first, your focal points. Then, over time, you allow your belongings, old and new, to filter in around them. Your home isn’t “complete” the day you move in. It’s not complete a month later. In fact, I don’t know that a home ever reaches completion because we never do; we’re constantly adding and removing and shifting and re-focusing and ebbing and flowing. And it’s wired within our very core to bring our homes, our nests, and today, our websites, along for that journey, as well.
Thank you for taking interest in this online home in particular today. It’s new to me and young and full of potential, and knowing that I get to settle in, unpack, add, and remove fills me with excitement, comfort, and a stronger sense of creative roominess. Take a look around.
Thank you for spending part of your day here. I value your time (and mine). Now that we’ve consumed for a few minutes, let’s turn that consumption into something personally creative: a new-to-us idea, a different way of moving our bodies, or a recently-opened notebook on our desks, pen in hand.
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